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Strategic Planning for Climate Change Resilience


This project will develop guidance on strategic (i.e. city-level) planning for climate resilience, with a particular focus on Combined Authorities. During the creation of the guide we are working with Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to help them deliver the climate change-related aspects of their Strategic Development Strategy, likely to be the first of its kind in the UK. This unique, hands-on, approach will build capacity at Combined Authority-level, and demonstrate the on-the-ground viability of the policies and processes presented in the guide.

Our work

Our work on climate change is orientated around the concept of 'climate justice', which Wikipedia defines as; '...a term used for framing global warming as an ethical and political issue, rather than one that is purely environmental or physical in nature.'

The concept thus focuses attention on the distributional impacts of climate change, and the varying abilities of communities to respond to the challenges (and sometimes even advantages) it brings - whether a result of local circumstances or politics and policy.

Without considering these aspects our response to climate change, at any scale, will be insufficient. Indeed, evidence suggests that disadvantaged communities globally and domestically contribute less to global warming, while disproporationately suffering from its effects, and recieving proportionately less government aid to mitigate and adapt to them.

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