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The future of Level 7 apprenticeships

We enter 2025 waiting for the Government to confirm its plans for the future of funding for Level 7 (L7) apprenticeships.

For those of you who are not aware, the Government announced towards the end of 2024 that it had plans to ask employers to fund some L7 apprenticeships outside of the new skills and growth levy that is being created.

The Chartered Town planner apprenticeship is an L7 apprenticeship that would be significantly affected if the Government proceed on this basis. This apprenticeship is proving to be a popular route into the profession with over 850 apprentices currently on program and 164 apprentices having successfully achieved Chartered Town Planner status following successful completion of the apprenticeship.

Trish Murphy, RTPI Apprenticeship Manager said: “The Chartered Town Planner apprenticeship was developed to encourage more people into the profession via a structured route of learning and working simultaneously.  Both private and public sector employers have embraced this route into the sector and have welcomed the benefits. To remove funding for this apprenticeship now will have a significant impact on entry into the profession at a time when the Government knows how important it is to bolster capacity and capability”.  

What action has the RTPI taken since this announcement?

The RTPI has responded robustly by urging the Government not to remove access to this vital funding stream for the planning sector given the impact it will have on the sector and Government priorities by:

  • Registering concerns early with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and the Department for Education (DfE) regarding the impact any defunding/restrictions to L7 funding would have
  • Attending Skills England webinars to voice concerns
  • Raising concerns with Joanna Averley, Chief Planner, England and officials from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) – including highlighting the potential impact on the Pathways to Planning programme
  • Writing to the Skills Minister emphasising that planners are agents of change and drivers of growth – reminding the Minister that this Government has a major growth mission and changes which adversely affect the training and recruitment of Chartered Town Planners will be detrimental to growth
  • Issuing a joint statement with other Built environment bodies seeking exemptions to any proposed changes
  • Co-signing a University Alliance letter to the Treasury (alongside 600 others)  to emphasise the impact that any removal of funding will have on recruitment to the profession
  • Making representations to the DfE inbox specifically set up to collect concerns
  • Encouraging stakeholders to make representations to the inbox on the impact this action would have on their organisations
  • Supporting the Trailblazer Group co-chairs to send a letter to the Skills Minister.

What’s next?

We are now waiting to hear the Government’s decision on the future of funding for L7 apprenticeships. We continue to support apprentices, employers and HEIs delivering the apprenticeship and to work with the apprentices who are completing their End-Point Assessment journey.

No timeline has been shared with us regarding when an announcement will be made but we will update Members when we know more. Let’s hope we hear some positive news soon.

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