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Preparing for PRIDE: Our first Parade

This news story is written by Machel Bogues, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Manager at the RTPI


As we prepare to participate in the London PRIDE parade for the first time alongside our BE Inclusive partners, CIOB, The LI, RIBA and RICS, there’s a palpable sense of excitement and purpose in the air. This is not just about joining a parade; it's about making a bold statement of inclusion, diversity, and support for the LGBTQ+ members and community.

The Importance of PRIDE

PRIDE is much more than a series of colourful events and celebrations. It is a vital movement that commemorates the struggles and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. The roots of PRIDE trace back to the Stonewall Riots of 1969, a pivotal moment in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. This historical backdrop serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and courage of those who have fought for equality and justice.

Participating in PRIDE allows us to honour this legacy and show our support for ongoing efforts towards achieving full equality. It’s a time to celebrate progress, recognize the work that still needs to be done, and reaffirm our commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all. For us joining the PRIDE parade symbolizes a deep respect for this history and a dedication to supporting the LGBTQ+ community within the profession and beyond.

Visible Engagement with Communities

Engaging visibly with the LGBTQ+ community through PRIDE is a powerful way to demonstrate our support. Visibility matters—it sends a message of solidarity and acceptance to those who may feel marginalized or unseen. By taking an active role in the PRIDE parade, we are publicly affirming our commitment to CHANGE.

This engagement goes beyond the parade itself. We are pleased to be marching alongside not just our BE Inclusive partners but also alongside LGBTQ+ including, Planning Out, Building Equality and Freehold giving us an opportunity to engage, listen, learn, and build lasting relationships with LGBTQ+ communities. Understanding their needs and challenges, and how we can work together is essential if we are to create a more inclusive society.

Preparing for the Parade

Our preparation for the London PRIDE parade has been a collective and inclusive effort. We’ve formed a dedicated PRIDE committee to oversee the planning and ensure that our participation is meaningful and impactful. From designing our t-shirts and reaching out to members every step has been taken with careful consideration and enthusiasm.

As we finalize our preparations, the excitement is building. We are ready to join the PRIDE parade with a vibrant, inclusive spirit, showcasing our commitment to CHANGE and to showing  PRIDE in the Built Environment.

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