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RTPI Scotland welcomes Scottish Government’s draft National Planning Framework 4

The Royal Town Planning Institute Scotland welcomes the ambitions of the Scottish Government’s draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), but highlights the need for more robust policies and a focused delivery plan to make these a reality. 

Once adopted, the NPF4 will set out the Scottish Government’s priorities and policies for the planning system up to 2045. They will demonstrate how planning and development will help to make Scotland net zero and sustainable over the coming decades.

RTPI Scotland highlights the need to ensure planners have the skills and resources required to implement the ambitions of the Framework. This is particularly essential when planning services are diminishing and additional work is being generated through the new Planning Act and the NPF4.

Andrew Trigger, Convenor of RTPI Scotland, said: “RTPI Scotland is very pleased to see the framework recognise that planning can play a pivotal role in addressing the key challenges of our age, including the Global Climate Emergency, improving health outcomes and supporting inclusive green growth post-COVID-19.

“For this to happen, our places to address the needs of our communities and support net zero targets. This means that policies must provide the utmost clarity for those submitting planning applications, as well as for those who will be using the framework to inform decisions on development proposals. We also need to know how the ambitions of the framework will be financed and resourced through a detailed delivery plan setting out what resources will be deployed where. 

“We believe that there is a need for some important redrafting to ensure policies provide the certainty required, and to develop the delivery plan. This may take longer than originally anticipated, however, we should take the time to get it right. RTPI Scotland stands ready to support Scottish Government on this. “

RTPI Scotland was responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the draft National Planning Framework. The full response can be read here.

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