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Two new trustees elected to the RTPI Board

The Institute has elected two new members onto the Board of Trustees.

Stefano Smith FRTPI FRSA was successfully re-elected to the Board in the new position of Nations Trustee and Ellenclaire Cass MRTPI has been elected to the position of Chartered Member Trustee.

The two newly elected members will join the Institute’s governing body at the next meeting in February 2023.

The role of Nations Trustee was created as part of the governance review which took place in 2021. Stefano Smith said:

“It’s an honour to be chosen by the membership to take up this newly created role for the Institute. I look forward to acting as a conduit between the Board and the RTPI Nations and Regions Panel, sharing the Panel’s views with the Board, and keeping the Panel abreast of the decisions being taken by the Board. This is a critical part of RTPI’s Corporate Strategy ‘Project One Institute’ building upon the key strengths of our nations and regions.”



Ellenclaire Cass, newly elected Chartered Trustee Member of the board said:

“I am looking forward to taking my place on the Board of Trustees and helping to shape the direction of our institute. Planning has never been more at the forefront of people’s minds and as such the Institute has never been more important for both our members around the world and the public at large.”

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