Volunteering has given me the chance to talk about planning with peers, outside of a work context but in the interests of the development of the profession and the institute. Alice Lester MBE FRTPI, London.
By volunteering I have enjoyed putting something back into the profession to benefit others, as I have benefitted over the years. Tristan Peat MRTPI, South West region.
Lauren Whitworth has volunteered since 2006 with Planning Aid England and this is her advice for anyone considering volunteering.
- Be honest about the time you have available
- Don’t over commit yourself
- Pick things you enjoy or want to learn about
- Read the RTPI Code of Conduct
- Remember you are meant to be impartial
- Treat the customer as a client.
You can read more from Lauren here.
What you can expect from us
The RTPI encourages all members to be active within the Institute and we are firmly committed to volunteering being a positive and enriching experience. The Volunteer Handbook
Our Volunteering Charter states that volunteers can expect:
- to have clear information about what is and is not expected of them;
- to receive adequate support and training
- to be insured for the task being undertaken and to volunteer in a safe environment;
- to be treated with respect and in a non-discriminatory manner;
- to receive out of pocket expenses;
- to have opportunities for personal development;
- to be recognised and appreciated;
- to be able to say ‘no’ to anything they are unable to commit to, or which they consider to be unrealistic or unreasonable; and
- to know what to do if something goes wrong
What we expect from you
The Volunteering Charter also sets out how we hope you will act when undertaking your role(s) at the RTPI.
The Institute expects volunteers:
- to be reliable and honest;
- to uphold the RTPI’s values and comply with organisational policies;
- to make the most of opportunities offered, e.g. for training;
- to contribute positively to the aims of the Institute and avoid bringing the RTPI into disrepute; and
- to carry out tasks within agreed guidelines
- to raise concerns and ask if you are ever unsure. Please contact your named point of contact.