How to use this guide
There are four criteria that members applying for Fellow membership must successfully meet in their application. They are:
- Leadership
- Innovation
- Contribution to others in the profession and community
- Whether the member’s contribution is above and beyond that expected as an ordinary competent professional planner.
This additional guidance is designed to help members understand what is required by each criterion and provide exemplar ways of meeting them. The list of examples in the table below is not exhaustive and other suitable examples not listed will be accepted. It is also the case that one example could be used to meet more than one criterion.
The Nominations Subcommittee, who decide if a Fellow application is successful or not, use the same measures and criteria to make their judgement. This helps to ensure the assessment process is transparent, fair and consistent.
For more information about applying for Fellow membership please see our website or email the Membership Team at [email protected] for further information.
The measures to support the four criteria for Fellow criteria:
Note: It is recognised that a Fellow applicant can cover more than one of the criteria with a single work example.