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Planning a Decarbonised and Resilient Future

 Plenary 1

                       Welcome and Introduction

                       Mark Hand MRTPI, Director for RTPI Cymru, Allan Archer MRTPI, Chair, RTPI Cymru      

                        Keynote Speech

                        Minister for Climate Change, Julie James MS (TBC due to the General Election)

                        Location, location, location: Developing in the right places

  • Strategic Development Plans- Mark Hand MRTPI, RTPI Cymru
  • LDPs and 20 minute settlements - Jen Heal MRTPI, Design Commission for Wales
  • Regional Transport Plans , connectivity and Llwybr Newydd - Allan Pitt MRTPI, Arup

Panel discussion/ Q&A chaired by Laura Williams MRTPI, Savills


Plenary 2

                        Grand designs: Getting the development right 

  • Local Planning Authority perspective: net zero homes LDP policy- Craig O’Connor MRTPI Montmouthshire County Council
  • Developer perspective: building high-performance homes- Jonathan Davies, Spring Consultancy
  • Housing associations: delivering our net-zero ambitions - Clarissa Corbisiero, Director of Policy and External Affairs, Community Housing Cymru

Panel discussion, Q&A chaired by Victoria Robinson, PEDW


Choice of Breakout Sessions

Focus #1 Planning for Sustainable tourism
Jonathan Cawley MRTPI, Eryri National Park

Focus #2 Law Update
Morag Ellis KC, Craig Howell Williams KC, Emyr Jones, Francis Taylor Building

Focus #3 Energy efficiency and heritage buildings
Amy Longford, Monmouthshire County Council, Lindsay Christian, Vale of Glamorgan Council

This session will challenge conventional thinking and look at ways in which historic buildings can play their role in being more energy efficient, from the terraced house to larger municipal buildings, providing examples of what can be achieved and how.

Focus #4 Economic angle
Nick Bennett, Savills/ Rebecca Williams, Crown Estate Director

Feedback from breakout sessions chaired by Allan Archer MRTPI, Chair, RTPI Cymru


Plenary 3

                        Energy and Decarbonisation

  • Recommendations from the National Infrastructure Commission Wales on delivering a renewable energy future - Nick Tune, National Infrastructure Commission Wales
  • Solar Renewables - Nick Beddoe MRTPI, Lighthouse Development Consulting
  • Onshore Wind Delivery: Challenges & Opportunities- Ben Lewis MRTPI, Bute Energy

Panel Discussion/ Q&A Chaired by Dr Ruth Potts MRTPI, Cardiff University