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Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document entered by South Downs National Park Authority

The SDNPA Design Guide supports a landscape-led approach to design within the setting of the protected landscape that is the South Downs National Park, creating sustainable places that conserve and enhance its natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage. The document defines the landscape-led approach and illustrates it with guidance on good practice in both process and in detailed design guidance across a large range of themes.





Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Plan entered by Sevenoaks Town Council

This plan is supported by a 325 page-long Consultation Statement, detailing the significant community engagement and how this shaped its content. The first NDP in the District, and created in tandem with the Emerging Local Plan, the STNP has overcome multiple difficulties, including a request from the District Council to suspend its progression when the Local Plan was delayed. Delivering vital biodiversity, trees and hedgerow protections, the STNP preceded both local and national legislation by requiring 10% Biodiversity Net Gain, and its policies informed the National Association of Local Council’s publication recommending that other NDPs similarly provide similar policy protections.