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Please note that the RTPI’s offices will be closed from the afternoon of Monday 23 December and will re-open on Thursday 2 January 2025.

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  • Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document 2021 entered Milton Keynes Council

The SPD is a core component in the delivery of our ambition for carbon neutrality by 2030, by providing developers with plain guidance on meeting local sustainability objectives. Moreover, it raises standards in planning practice, by requiring major residential developers to demonstrate how performance gaps will be closed through application of a quality assurance regime and monitor building performance so that developers and future residents are aware of any unintended performance gaps. The document provides a template for other local authorities to introduce similar standards, thereby driving delivery of healthier, and more energy efficient living environments across the country.


  • Preparation of Twyford Neighbourhood Plan entered by Twyford Neighbourhood Plan Project Group

The project group took on the preparation of the Twyford Neighbourhood Plan for Twyford parish Council, with everything that involved. It took 8 years. The task ended when the plan was complete for Referendum . The success of their work is shown by the 83% vote in favour and by the praise of the Examiner and the support of the South Downs Authority. The plan is outstanding in transforming the views of local people into the technical local plan language, in crafting wholly original policies, in its selection of the complex village centre site and demonstrating its deliverability.


  • Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan 2013-33 entered by Buckinghamshire Council

Planning was put at the heart of the ambitious Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan, providing over 30,000 homes and meeting the housing needs in growing Buckinghamshire. The plan overcame previous plan hurdles of the Duty to Co-operate, providing a sustianable growth agenda, strategic transport infrastructure, accessible green spaces, met other legal requirements of SA and HRA and also tackled challenges as they came along - the designation of Aylesbury as a Garden Town, 5 councils merging into one unitary council and the Covid pandemic in the middle of te examination and final consultations.


  • The Tangmere Strategic Development Location (TSDL) Masterplan entered Countryside Partnerships PLC

The Masterplan for the Tangmere Strategic Development Location is designed to deliver a residential-led mixed-use development, including up to 1,300 mixed-tenure homes along with significant public open space and community infrastructure. The site is being brought forward by Countryside as CDC’s development partner, working alongside Tangmere Parish Council to realise the ‘One Village’ vision set out in their Neighbourhood Plan. The Masterplan is an excellent example of partnership working between a developer, LPA and local community; and of building trust in the planning process whilst delivering significant economic, social and environmental benefits through working in collaboration with an existing community.


Thanks to the sponsor of the Best Plan: