The Regional Activities Committee supports and advises the Regional Management Board.
Regional Activities Committee
Reece Lemon MRTPI
RTPI SE Chair, Senior Consultant, Lee Evans Partnership LLP
Reece Lemon MRTPI
RTPI SE Chair, Senior Consultant, Lee Evans Partnership LLP
Reece is a Senior Consultant at Lee Evans Partnership LLP, having worked in the private sector consultancy since 2015.
He both leads and contributes to the preparation, submission and negotiation of planning applications. He has particular experience in residential, commercial, and leisure developments, as well as strategic scale site promotions across the South East and, previously, in the home counties.
Reece was named the inaugural South East Young Planner of the Year in 2017, and a finalist for National Young Planner of the Year in 2018. He qualified as an Associate Member of the RTPI in 2017, and currently sits on the RTPI South East Regional Activities Committee. Reece also serves as the RTPI South East Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Lead for 2022.
Outside of work, Reece is a keen linguist and author having published his first bilingual poetry anthology in 2021.
William Sparling MRTPI
SE Honorary Secretary and Planning Policy Team Leader, Oxford City Council
William Sparling MRTPI
SE Honorary Secretary and Planning Policy Team Leader, Oxford City Council
Will is a chartered member of the RTPI and a Planning Policy Team Leader at Oxford City Council, having joined in 2024. He was previously a Principal Major Applications Officer at South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils and was Senior Planner at Edgars Limited. Before relocating to the Southeast, Will has been involved in plan making in Yorkshire, where he was on the Regional Activities Committee for the RTPI Yorkshire region. He also volunteers for the RTPI on the Planning Aid England Committee and RTPI Volunteers Steering Committee. He holds a PhD in Localism, Neighbourhood Planning and Urban Governance and has also been a sole practitioner preparing neighbourhood plans with communities.
Joney Ramirez-Soto MRTPI
SE Honorary Treasurer and Associate Director, WWA Studios
Joney Ramirez-Soto MRTPI
SE Honorary Treasurer and Associate Director, WWA Studios
Joney (pronounced ‘Honey’) is a Chartered planner and an Associate Director at WWA. She is originally from Venezuela, where she obtained a town planning degree and worked as a planner for 3 years. In 2012 she moved to the UK and worked as a planning officer in policy and DM on different LPAs in London and the South East. She specialises in residential, commercial and leisure developments and enjoys spending time with her partner, her baby and her 2 dogs, as well as singing in a choir. She volunteers with Bookmark, a charity that helps children improve their reading abilities.
Claire Tester MRTPI
GA representative and Planning Policy Manager, South Downs National Park Authority
Claire Tester MRTPI
GA representative and Planning Policy Manager, South Downs National Park Authority
Claire has been a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute since 1992 working in local government planning (development management and policy), including as the Head of Planning at Mid Sussex District Council from 2008-2016. She then started her own consultancy Plan4Localism and also advised the High Weald AONB Partnership for 6 years. In 2022, she joined the South Downs National Park Authority and is now the Planning Policy Manager leading on the review of the South Downs Local Plan and the minerals and waste plans that they produced jointly with other LPAs in Sussex and Hampshire.
Young Planners Representatives
Zac Denton
SCYPN Chair and Planner, Lewis and Co Planning
Zac Denton
SCYPN Chair and Planner, Lewis and Co Planning
Zac is a Planner who joined Lewis and Co Planning in 2024, bringing a range of experience from his time in Local Authority and previous private practice. Zac is currently completing a Town Planning Apprenticeship at London South Bank University and working towards Chartership with the RTPI. Zac has a wide range in planning experience, scaling from householder development, to residential and agricultural developments.
Alexander Payne MRTPI
Chair of Kent Young Planner and Associate Planner, DHA Planning
Alexander Payne MRTPI
Chair of Kent Young Planner and Associate Planner, DHA Planning
Alex is an Associate Planner at DHA, prior to this Alex worked across planning, policy and strategic planning teams at Kent County Council. Alex works in the Environment team primarily dealing with Nationally Strategic infrastructure Projects, developments requiring Environmental Impact Assessment, energy schemes and other projects that are more environmentally sensitive. In addition to this, Alex has also worked with a number of clients from large developers to individuals across a range of sectors including commercial, industrial, medical, residential and agricultural across the Southeast and beyond. Out of the office, Alex is a keen guitarist, gig-goer and cyclist.
Will Howarth
Chairs of TVYPN and David Lock Associates
Will Howarth
Chairs of TVYPN and David Lock Associates
Will is an Assistant Planner at David Lock Associates, starting in 2023 following the completion of his MSc Spatial Planning course at UCL (University College London). He joined the TVYP committee in July 2024.
Will is involved in a range of commercial/residential projects across the Thames Valley, and the wider United Kingdom. He has promoted strategic land, provided planning appraisal advice, and implemented planning strategies from a range of Major to Large Scale Strategic sites, including Marston Valley
Rebecca Souter MRTPI
Chair of Surrey Young Planners Network and Principal Planning Officer, Guildford Borough Council
Rebecca Souter MRTPI
Chair of Surrey Young Planners Network and Principal Planning Officer, Guildford Borough Council
Planning Aid England Representative
Reece Lemon MRTPI
RTPI SE Chair, Senior Consultant, Lee Evans Partnership LLP
Reece Lemon MRTPI
RTPI SE Chair, Senior Consultant, Lee Evans Partnership LLP
Reece is a Senior Consultant at Lee Evans Partnership LLP, having worked in the private sector consultancy since 2015.
He both leads and contributes to the preparation, submission and negotiation of planning applications. He has particular experience in residential, commercial, and leisure developments, as well as strategic scale site promotions across the South East and, previously, in the home counties.
Reece was named the inaugural South East Young Planner of the Year in 2017, and a finalist for National Young Planner of the Year in 2018. He qualified as an Associate Member of the RTPI in 2017, and currently sits on the RTPI South East Regional Activities Committee. Reece also serves as the RTPI South East Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Lead for 2022.
Outside of work, Reece is a keen linguist and author having published his first bilingual poetry anthology in 2021.
Other Regional Activities Committee members
Tony Chadwick MRTPI
Principal Transport and NSIP Project Manager, Gravesham Borough Counci
Tony Chadwick MRTPI
Principal Transport and NSIP Project Manager, Gravesham Borough Counci
Tony Chadwick has been involved in the Institute at local level since 1980 having served on both the former South East Branch (including as Chair and Honorary Secretary) and the current South East Region RAC. Over the years he has made major contributions to developing CPD policy and the operation of Planning Aid in the South East, as well as helping organise many CPD events over the years. He currently works for Gravesham Borough Council dealing with NSIP projects like Lower Thames Crossing and transport matters in general, based on experience with HS1 and widening the A2. Bulk of his experience has been in Planning Policy.
Dr Christopher Maidment MRTPI
Lecturer in Planning, University of Reading
Dr Christopher Maidment MRTPI
Lecturer in Planning, University of Reading
Chris is a Lecturer in Planning at the University of Reading. He is a chartered planner and started his career as a planning policy officer in English local government, following a PhD at the University of Sheffield. His research interests focus on issues of professionalism, decision-making and multi-scalar plan-making. He joined Real Estate & Planning in August 2019 as a Lecturer in Planning, with research interests in plan-making and professionalism.
Chris previously worked at Anglia Ruskin University and as a Planning Policy Officer for Bassetlaw District Council. Prior to this, he studied for his PhD at the University of Sheffield. His PhD draws on different ways in which the ‘public interest’ can be understood, and how these variations are present in plan-making. The fieldwork explored case studies of spatial plan-making in Central Lincolnshire and the Peak District National Park, using multiple qualitative methods. At the core of Chris’ research interests is understanding the relationship between normative theories of planning and the practice environment; both how planning theory should shape practice and how practice should influence the development of theory.
Chris says "I really enjoy learning about the people and exploring the interesting projects that are entered into the awards – it’s great to be part of recognising what good planning can achieve!”
Roger Smith MRTPI
Planning Director, Savills
Roger Smith MRTPI
Planning Director, Savills
Roger Smith is a Planning Director at Savills in Oxford. He has worked as a town planner since 1984 with experience in local government, house building and in consultancy. He specialises in the planning promotion of strategic and mixed use sites for a variety of clients including landowners, housing developers and land promoters.
Andrew Coleman MRTPI
Senior Lecturer, University of Brighton
Andrew Coleman MRTPI
Senior Lecturer, University of Brighton
Andrew is a Senior Lecturer on the RTPI-accredited MSc Town Planning course at the University of Brighton. The course specialises in coastal planning , climate change and regeneration and was one of the first to offer the Chartered Apprenticeship degree course for training the planners of the future. He is also a planning and environmental consultant, focusing on climate change adaptation, flooding and integrated water management. Until September 2016, Andrew was a senior advisor at the Environment Agency, helping to develop national planning policy and guidance. He has served on the RTPI's General Assembly and various Committees since 2015. Outside work, Andrew enjoy spending time with my family, representing Surfers Against Sewage, surfing, cycling and supporting Fulham FC
Roger Kirkham MRTPI
Roger Kirkham MRTPI
Roger had a professional career of 35 years in town planning , working in 3 councils in and around London ,involving most fields of planning. Time was also spent as Northern Officer for the Town and Country Planning Association supporting two regional forums helping inform the TCPA on national policy making and contributing articles in the TCP Journal. He led a team supporting citizens actively improving sites, buildings and places around Manchester. Roger spent time producing protocols and design aids for planning staff. Since semi-retirement, work continues on finding better connections between planning and citizen involvement.
Connor Sheffield MRTPI
Planner, Barton Willmore (now Stantec)
Connor Sheffield MRTPI
Planner, Barton Willmore (now Stantec)
Connor is a planner at Barton Willmore, now Stantec having previously worked in the public sector in Buckinghamshire. Connor began his career at Buckinghamshire County Council assisting on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and planning policy. As part of unitarisation in Buckinghamshire, Connor’s work shifted to economic growth and regeneration, focusing on strategic funding bids, such as the Levelling Up Fund and sub-regional issues, including the Ox-Cam Arc.
After completing his Spatial Planning MSc at Oxford Brookes, securing an RTPI South East award for Academic Excellence for his research into Strategic Planning and deal-based agreements in Oxfordshire, Connor joined Barton Willmore, now Stantec. His role has him actively involved in a wide variety of projects whilst working towards his chartership.
Amy Powell MRTPI
Senior Planner, Edgars Ltd
Amy Powell MRTPI
Senior Planner, Edgars Ltd
Amy Powell is a senior planner at Edgars Limited, a private planning consultancy based in Oxfordshire. Amy was one of the first apprentices to complete the RTPI’s apprenticeship programme, with her successfully becoming a Chartered Member in May 2022. She is an advocate of young planners and the important voice they have within the planning discourse and seeks to champion other young planners through her professional work and membership of the RTPI.
Dr Mark Dobson AssocRTPI
Lecturer in Planning & Development, University of Reading
Dr Mark Dobson AssocRTPI
Lecturer in Planning & Development, University of Reading
Mark is a Lecturer in Planning & Development in the Department of Real Estate & Planning at the University of Reading. His PhD Thesis examined the role of planning under the austerity and localism agendas of the Cameron-Osborne Coalition and Conservative-led Governments 2010-2016. Mark’s main research interests focus on planning and development theory, policy and practice; particularly in relation to the role of power and politics in shaping plan-making and decision-making processes and outcomes. His current research examines the role of participation and time in planning. He teaches on several core real estate and planning undergraduate and masters practice-based modules.
Lauren Parsons
Student and Planning Consultant, Parker Dann
Lauren Parsons
Student and Planning Consultant, Parker Dann
Lauren has worked as a Planning Consultant for over 4 years in the private sector and am currently working at Parker Dann on a range of planning applications, with a particular focus on residential development. She is a second year studying for an MSc degree in Town Planning at the University of Brighton, with the view to become a Chartered Town Planner after graduation.
Peter Home MRTPI
Director, Gillings Planning
Peter Home MRTPI
Director, Gillings Planning
Peter joined Gillings Planning as a Director in 2022 and has a wealth of planning consultancy experience, in addition to previous experience gained in Planning Policy roles within both local and central government. Peter focuses on the promotion of sites through local plans and the preparation of planning applications, for a wide range of sites and schemes across the South East. He has also been providing advice to developers on nutrient and water neutrality matters since 2019.
Alexander Payne MRTPI
Chair of Kent Young Planner and Associate Planner, DHA Planning
Alexander Payne MRTPI
Chair of Kent Young Planner and Associate Planner, DHA Planning
Alex is an Associate Planner at DHA, prior to this Alex worked across planning, policy and strategic planning teams at Kent County Council. Alex works in the Environment team primarily dealing with Nationally Strategic infrastructure Projects, developments requiring Environmental Impact Assessment, energy schemes and other projects that are more environmentally sensitive. In addition to this, Alex has also worked with a number of clients from large developers to individuals across a range of sectors including commercial, industrial, medical, residential and agricultural across the Southeast and beyond. Out of the office, Alex is a keen guitarist, gig-goer and cyclist.
Joseph Maphosa MRTPI
Strategic Land Manager, Wates Development
Joseph Maphosa MRTPI
Strategic Land Manager, Wates Development
Joe is a Strategic Land Manager working for a luxury home builder in Hampshire, with expertise in planning policy, site appraisals, strategic site promotion and development management gained from extensive experience working for a local authority, planning consultancy, a major housebuilder and latterly a partnerships business.
George Smale
Planning Officer, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council
George Smale
Planning Officer, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council
George is a local authority planning officer with valuable development management experience working at two planning authorities in the South-East. He has developed critical knowledge and skills for assessing and negotiating a wide range of residential, commercial, social and sports infrastructure, and countryside-related planning schemes, with considerable experience in dealing with applications for new housing and development within the Green Belt.
Completing his master’s via the apprenticeship route, George is soon hoping to complete his chartership and become a fully qualified RTPI Member in 2024.
George has a real interest in volunteering and advocating for local planning officers in the Southeast and Championing the Surrey Young Planners
Ian Fletcher MRTPI
Senior Associate Director of Town Planning, Jacobs
Ian Fletcher MRTPI
Senior Associate Director of Town Planning, Jacobs
Ian has been a charted town planner for over 30 years. After a sandwich placement at LDDC he joined Wycombe District Council in 1990 and worked in various Development Control and Planning Policy roles for 13 years. During this time he volunteered at Planning Aid for London and was on the RTPI Southern Area board. He then spent time in planning consultancy in the Abingdon/Oxford area and also working as planning manager for Beechcroft. In 2008 he joined Thames Water working on the planning strategy for the Thames Tideway Tunnel, leading the team that won the RTPI Silver Jubilee Cup. He then spent 7 years working for Jacobs on a range of NSIPs and now works on NSIP scale solar projects. He was a founding member of NIPA and was on the board from 2010-2024.
Laura Cornborough MRTPI
Planning Manager, Foreman Homes
Laura Cornborough MRTPI
Planning Manager, Foreman Homes
Laura is a Planning Manager at Foreman Homes, a Hampshire based regional house builder, where she leads on a variety of residential led projects, from immediate applications to long-term promotional work. Prior to joining Foreman Homes, Laura spent sixteen years working in Planning Policy across a number of Local Authorities in Hampshire, where she specialised in housing (SHLAA, five-year housing land supply, housing delivery, site selection) as well as being involved in a number of other policy areas.
Outside of work Laura enjoys running and spending time with her family, including two young sons who keep her on her toes!
Riaan Van Eeden MRTPI
Principal Planning Policy Officer, Guildford Borough Council
Riaan Van Eeden MRTPI
Principal Planning Policy Officer, Guildford Borough Council
Riaan is a Chartered Planner and Principal Planning Policy Officer at Guildford Borough Council (GBC). He has been with GBC since 2017 where he supported the progression of both parts of the Local Plan to adoption. Prior to that, he led a team of policy planners at the City of Cape Town after moving from his role as Associate at MCA, a planning consultancy in Cape Town. Riaan is particularly committed helping achieve development that enables sustainable travel choices. He also takes a keen interest in advancing planning’s contribution to improving health and well-being outcomes.
Andrew Metcalfe MRTPI
Managing Director, Squires Planning
Andrew Metcalfe MRTPI
Managing Director, Squires Planning
Andrew founded Squires Planning in 2019, He is a Chartered Town Planner and planning lead for the South East & London. With experience in local authority planning departments and private consultancy, he offers a broad skill set and comprehensive understanding of the planning system (TCPA & NSIP). Andrew has delivered a wide range of projects, from development proposals to planning policy, serving clients across the voluntary, public, and private sectors. Passionate about advancing the profession, he is actively involved in Royal Town Planning Institute networks.