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Best Plan of the Year Winner

York Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Plan
Entered by Chapter of York

York Minster has worked collaboratively with key stakeholders, including City of York Council and the local community, to develop a Neighbourhood Plan. It sets out an ambitious masterplan to sustain and enhance the cultural significance and environmental value of York Minster’s Precinct and its buildings through specially created planning policy. Delivery of the Neighbourhood Plan signals the biggest programme of planned works at York Minster and within the Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Area since the 1850's and includes the pioneering International Centre of Excellence for Heritage Craft Skills & Estate Management set to open in 2024.

Judges‘ comment: “This Neighbourhood Plan is unusual because it focusses on the need to provide a framework for change at York Minster and its Precinct. It is an excellent example of positive plan making for a challenging historic environment of national significance.”

Best Plan of the Year Commended

Swinnow Park Wetherby Public Consultation
Entered by Johnson Mowat Planning and Taylor Wimpey

A public consultation exercise by Taylor Wimpey on a Reserved Matters application for 800 new homes east of Wetherby. The site was roundly opposed by all local groups in the making of the Leeds Local Plan. The task of bringing local groups into the design process from late 2020 to early 2023 during the Covid restraint period was a major achievement with a design team time dedicated to listening and making changes. The project concluded with support from the main opposition group thanking Taylor Wimpey for its efforts and commending their actions to the Council and Government as best practice.

Judges‘ comment: “Example of collaborative working with the community to deliver a large housing allocation. Those involved are to be congratulated for providing leadership and for adopting an innovative approach.