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RTPI West Midlands Best Project 2024

Best Project of the Year Winner

Luston Wetland entered by Phosphate Credit Trading Scheme - Herefordshire Council

The Luston Wetland is a nature based solution, its primary purpose is to reduce point source phosphate pollution from waste water treatment works to enable both sustainable growth and river betterment. The quantifiable phosphate reduction enables HC to trade credits with developers seeking to address the nutrient impacts of their proposal and thereby gain planning permission. The project has brought wider environmental benefits including a significant increase in biodiversity through the creation of new habitat, acting as a carbon sink, it is adapted for climate change and provides education opportunities for both the local community and wider research.


Best Project of the Year Commended

University Station entered by Mott MacDonald, Transport for West Midlands, West Midlands Rail Executive and

University Station is a flagship railway station that is welcoming, safe and provides a gateway to a world class life science, hospital and university campus, while providing an outstanding passenger experience, boosting the economy, enhancing heritage and connecting seamlessly into the wider integrated transport network. The new station will be a lasting asset for the region, enabling visitors to the university and surrounding medical facilities to choose the train over the car and, in doing do, facilitate sustainable travel patterns and help with tackling the climate emergency.


ZX Lidars Head Quarters entered by Lichfields & ONE Creative environments

As the leading global innovation and production company of lidar-based wind measuring devices, ZX Lidars' success and continued growth meant that their existing Herefordshire based business locations no longer met their needs. After extensive pre-application discussions and community consultation, a full planning application for a new c.5,000 sq.m Class E high-quality, sustainable, and landscape-led new headquarters on the edge of the Malvern Hills AONB was submitted and approved on 16th September 2021. An S73 application for a phased scheme of up to 4,985 sq.m Class E
research and development and production facility was subsequently approved in October 2022.


Allscott Meads entered by Telford & Wrekin Council

Overall the development has sought, and we believe achieved, a scheme which is award winning. A design which is bespoke to its location as a brownfield Sugar Beet Factory in a semi-rural location; landscaping and open space provision which is unique, striking and functional; creating a community to be proud of – by incorporating new facilities for old and new residents to enjoy, meeting their current and future needs. The Applicants have been a thoroughly engaging development company; from extensive pre-application discussions, to positive and active engagement with all Officers at the Council and the local community, throughout.

Trentham Estate entered by Beaver Project Turley

A major nature conservation project licenced by Natural England to reintroduce a breeding pair of Eurasian Beavers into the Trentham Estate in Staffordshire to help boost biodiversity and engage visitors in learning to live with beavers. The project included the installation of an integrated perimeter enclosure and additional nature hides along the River Trent and within the island nature reserve. The proposals were supported by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, The Beaver Trust and many national conservation charities and form part of the Estate’s long-term commitment to sustainable nature conservation, facilitating public access to nature and educating and promoting sustainable lifestyle choices.