Forthcoming events:
5 March - RTPI | The BIG Built Environment Quiz Night!
In the planning:
- Bridging the Gap: Planning for Gender
- Rural Planning and tourism
- Planning for health and wellbeing
- Summer boat social
- Wimborne walking tour / greenbelt release
Recent events:
2024 Events
The 8 November was the return of the their annual festive Quiz Night.
On the 30 October 2024 - Halloween Ghost tour of Poole.
"Dorset Young Planners had a very fun and spooky evening on Wednesday night on our guided ghost tour of Old Town Poole and The Quay Our guide shared some really interesting and scary tales of the history of Poole. We had a great turn out with both new and familiar faces and learnt a lot from the tour (alongside a few jump scares!).
A big thank you to Barratt Homes for sponsoring and making the event possible and also a huge thank you to Sophia Dykes for organising such a brilliant event.
The event sadly concluded with Lucy Morgan stepping down as Dorset Young Planners Co-Chair – Lucy has done an exceptional job co-chairing Dorset Young Planners with Phillippa Gatehouse, and we are extremely sad (and jealous) to see her go, and wish her all the best in her travels🧳🌎 Sophia Dykes will be taking her place and, if this event is anything to go off, we've got some great things in store 🤩
Clare Bolton, Chapman Lily Planning
"On the 14 June we had a great waste water treatment works tour in Holdenhurst. It was a great opportunity to follow the process round the treatment works and understand each critical stage.
A huge thank you to Tim Stevens, Jack Potter, Douglas Goodacre, and Jonathan Rayers for speaking at the event and sharing their invaluable insights into the world of wastewater management, and it's connection to planning and the wider environment 🌍
Thank you also to Phillippa Gatehouse and Jack Higson with whom I co-hosted the event, and to tor&co for sponsoring"
Clare Bolton, Chapman Lily Planning
"The Dorset Young Planners had a fun filled and competitive spring social on the 17 April which was well attended by a range of planners from the public and private sectors. We had a fun night at Mr Mulligans in Bournemouth playing crazy golf and networking.
Big thanks to everyone that came along and to Carrington West for their kind sponsorship and for coming along and getting stuck in too.
Looking forward to our next event on nutrient neutrality which will be a bit different and held at the Waste Water Treatment works. You can sign up for this one now, and look out for details of our next social which will be in summertime!"
"On 25 January the Dorset Young Planners had a fascinating evening for our Day of the Dead planning themed event (which was meant to be on the day of the dead last November but the weather had other ideas)!
A huge thank you to Dr James Weir, Steve Wallis, Abby Bryant and Bianca San Martin for coming along sharing your fascinating insights into your practise🙏🏽
Steve shared a presentation on 'The Pit of Doom and other burials', which will included a talk around the executed Vikings from the Weymouth Relief Road and how this fits in with local archaeology, and changing attitudes to the excavation of human remains.
James' talk was titled 'From cemetery to open-air sitting room’: St George’s Gardens, Bloomsbury, which explored the history of the well loved gardens in Bloomsbury which were once burial grounds for nearby churches.
Bianca and Abby shared Top tips if you don’t want the historic environment to be the death of your scheme. They also explored a series of recent projects to chart archaeological opportunities and pitfalls.
Thank you to Savills for sponsoring and hosting the event"
2023 Events
The Dorset Young Planners kicked off the festive season with a brilliant games night at the Boom Battle Bar in Bournemouth on the 30 November 2023.
Competitive shuffleboard and lots of mini games were enjoyed with drinks, a buffet and lots of time to socialise in between. It was great to see new faces and old, and a chance to celebrate all that we have achieved throughout the year!
A huge thank you to Park Avenue for sponsoring the event and to Dorset YP Chair Millie Rose for organising. Keep an eye out for our next event in 2024
Merry Christmas from Dorset Young Planners!”
"On the 17 August Dorset Young Planners had a great night for their annual summer boat social in Poole, which by some miracle actually included some sunshine. Young Planners got to sample some Turkish delicacies at the local restaurant before then embarking on the boat for a tour of the Harbour ending with a magnificent firework show.
Massive thanks to everyone that came along and to Carrington West for their kind sponsorship which enabled the event to happen"
Amelia Rose, Chair of Dorset Young Planners
"On 29th June Dorset Young Planners hosted a tour of Canford SANG in Bournemouth followed by further CPD and networking at the Hamworthy Club. Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace [“SANG”] is a greenspace that is of a quality and type suitable to be used as an area of mitigation to offset the impact of new residential development, similar to a country park but with a specific purpose to reduce recreational pressures on sensitive habitats.
RTPI Members and Young Planners went on a guided tour of Canford Park SANG with expert speakers who will give their professional perspectives on the purpose of SANGs, securing SANGs through the planning process and their management and why SANGs have strategic importance (amongst others).
A massive thanks again to Brett Spiller of Chapman Lily Planning, Jade North from Dorset Council UK and Sam Mckirdy, SANG Manager, for sharing your wealth of knowledge on all things SANGs/heathlands/mitigation
Thank you also to Chapman Lily Planning Ltd for your kind sponsorship and to Lucy Morgan and Phillippa Gatehouse for organising an amazing event."
Amelia Rose, Chair of Dorset Young Planners