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Winner in Category and Best in Region

Climate Emergency DPD entered by Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council's Climate Emergency DPD pushes at the boundaries of how planning can deliver for a sustainable future. It recognises and enables the multiplicity of actions required to create sustainable places. The DPD comprehensively drives a sustainable future for our towns, villages and other rural areas, reduces the need to travel, promotes renewable energy infrastructure, boosts active and low carbon travel, addresses coastal change and provides a framework for communities to create strategies that make their localities resilient to climate change. The energy standards for new homes are at the vanguard of net zero progress, whilst also tackling fuel poverty.

In selecting this entry as category winner the judges considered the submission as setting exemplary standards for energy performance and construction, to deliver significant positive impacts by guiding and delivering sustainable development. 

The submission was clearly presented, evidence-based, linked policy to evaluation criteria, demonstrated partnership working, used free-to-all source data and evaluation tools, with an excellent engagement approach. Closely focused on the specific characteristics and needs of Cornwall, the approach is also highly transferable, with an effective, combined focus on environmental and climate objectives and both affordability and deliverability. Consequently, the DPD was considered to assist in the delivery of a full range of social, environmental and economic benefits.

The Judging Panel concluded that the DPD comprises outstanding, exemplary work and were delighted to confirm that the entry should also be awarded best in region for 2024.


Local Plan Partial Update entered by Bath and North East Somerset Council

The Local Plan Partial Update (LPPU) updated the Council’s Development Plan. Preparation of the LPPU was undertaken swiftly and smoothly, whilst also involving communities/other stakeholders in the unusual times of the pandemic, and ensuring cross-party political support throughout the process.

New sites were allocated for housing through the plan to address the expected shortfall at the end of the plan period. Employment land allocations were reviewed.

The LPPU enabled the introduction of ground-breaking policies on climate change to address the Council’s climate emergency and an early introduction of the Biodiversity Net Gain requirement.

In selecting this entry for a commendation, the Judges felt the submission clearly demonstrated how Planning practitioners were at the centre of the drafting of the DPD. A successful partnership approach to the policy creation was adopted, both involving Development Management and external collaboration with stakeholders and other Authorities. There was also a targeted approach to online consultation while the authority navigated the difficulties of the pandemic. The Plan represents an innovative approach to delivering a speedy solution to an urgent issue, and in combination and collaboration with the Cornwall Climate Emergency DPD, has set a leading standard for others in relation to policy on addressing climate change"


Bristol Heat Network Local Development Order entered by Mott MacDonald in collaboration with Bristol City Council

Mott MacDonald provided expert planning support and led the delivery of the LDO, granting planning permission for city-wide heat network infrastructure within Bristol. This LDO provides for an efficient delivery of the energy network supporting Bristol meeting sustainability and climate crisis goals, as well as ensuring equitable access to affordable energy for all.

The LDO was created in response to BCC declaring a climate emergency in 2018 and pledging to make the city carbon neutral by 2030, recognising that heat networks are a key tool to use if the UK is to be successful in achieving Net Zero by 2050.

Image: Phasing plan showing where the BHN will be expanded and developed across Bristol 

The judges were impressed with the creative and proactive way in which a large-scale Local Development Order can bring substantial value in relation to renewable energy production and in response to the climate and energy emergencies. It was also noted that the Plan has high aspirations for improving fuel poverty within communities and a positive impact on guiding sustainable development.


Launceston Safer, Greener Streets entered by Launceston Town Council, Launceston Town Plan Group and McGregor Coxall

McGregor Coxall supported Launceston Town Council and Launceston Town Plan Group to deliver the Safer, Greener Streets project.

A multidisciplinary team, led by McGregor Coxall in partnership with Launceston Town Plan Group, produced an innovative design strategy and plan for town centre investment, leading the path for town renewal and vitality. Development work advanced plans to improve the economic, social, and environmental revitalisation of Launceston.

McGregor Coxall employed their Place Vitality Criteria analysis and strategy approach, a holistic and systematic place making process, followed by the development of identified Priority Project designs and Street Typologies

Image: Launceston: Safer Greener Streets Design Report. 

The judges were impressed with the Place Vitality Criteria approach adopted by McGregor Coxall to evaluate the nature of opportunites and interventions. It was felt that this added a degree of robustness not only to the delivery of practical solutions but also as a means of supporting future government funding programmes.


The City Centre Development and Delivery Plan (the DDP) entered by Bristol City Council in collaboration with the consultant team: Grant Associates,  Mott Macdonald , ARUP, PRD and Arcadis

The City Centre Development and Delivery Plan (DDP) sets the vision and principles for the regeneration of Bristol city centre. The DDP considers what needs to happen to ensure Bristol’s city centre is an inclusive, sustainable, and reconnected place for everybody. It looks at how we can ensure the city centre is a place of diverse retail, with vibrant cultural facilities and a thriving evening economy, whilst at the same time being somewhere people can call home.

The DDP builds upon aspirations established in the City Centre Framework, adopted in July 2020, and brings together existing strategies, emerging planning policy/planning applications and robust community and stakeholder engagement. The DDP has been designed to stand the test of time and respond to changes in economic, property and funding environments.

Image credit: Bristol City Council

The judges were impressed with the way the plan set out a clear set of evidenced-based objectives and targeted initiatives with clear aspirations for people and communities, climate action and sustainable development. The plan was also applauded for its bespoke interventions for young and older age groups, those with disabilities, local community/ cultural groups and independent businesses.