Our Regional Management Board (RMB) guides our regional activities through the preparation, monitoring and delivery of the Regional Business Plan. The RMB is advised and supported by members of the Regional Activities Committee.
Regional Management Board

Ben Vickers
Chair - Team Leader, South Ribble BC

Ben Vickers
Chair - Team Leader, South Ribble BC
Ben has spent most of his career working for Camden and Cheshire East Councils, writing planning policy and monitoring housing supply. He currently divides his time as a Principal Planner (Policy) for South Ribble council, independent consultancy and tutoring. He’s a supporter of ‘Garden Cities’ (having relocated to the Northwest from Welwyn Garden City) and new technologies which could ultimately lead to better informed decisions.

Darren Muir
Vice Chair - Director of Planning, Pegasus Group

Darren Muir
Vice Chair - Director of Planning, Pegasus Group
Darren is a Director at Pegasus Group in Liverpool. He comes from a multidisciplinary background having previously worked client-side in wind energy and residential development before moving into consultancy. He now advises public and private sector clients on a variety of developments across England, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man. He holds two master’s degrees – a Master of Town and Country Planning (Hons) degree from the University of Manchester, and a Master of Science in Design and Construction of Zero Carbon and Ultra-low Energy Buildings from the University of Dundee. Darren is Chair of the Planning Aid England North West Task Group and co-founder of the North West Neighbourhood Planning Network.

Holly Froggatt
Junior Vice Chair - Senior Planner and Enabling Manager, Homes England

Holly Froggatt
Junior Vice Chair - Senior Planner and Enabling Manager, Homes England
Holly is a Senior Planning and Enabling Manager at Homes England, with a background in both the public and private sectors. She has experience of working on a range of complex residential projects.
Holly graduated with a Masters in Planning from the University of Manchester in 2016 and became a Chartered member of the RTPI in 2018. She joined the RTPI NW Regional Activities Committee in 2022 and currently supports the Awards Task Group.

Joanne Harding
Honorary Secretary & Regional Rep on Nations & Regions Panel / Planning Manager, HBF

Joanne Harding
Honorary Secretary & Regional Rep on Nations & Regions Panel / Planning Manager, HBF
Joanne is the Local Plans Manager (North) for the Home Builders Federation and represents the members of the HBF in seeking to influence the production of planning policy in the North of England. Joanne is an experienced policy planner with more than 20 years in the profession. After starting her career in the private sector Joanne has mainly working within local government, contributing to planning policy for Stafford, Halton and Cheshire East. Joanne is strong supporter of the planning profession and is currently the Honorary Sectary of the RTPI NW region and has previously served as RTPI NW Chair and as a Trustee of the RTPI. Joanne is a member of the CPD Task Group and is keen to help to support our local members through professional development and other RTPI services and events.

Dr Christopher Wilson MTCP, MA, PhD
Treasurer - Principal Regeneration Consultant, BE Group

Dr Christopher Wilson MTCP, MA, PhD
Treasurer - Principal Regeneration Consultant, BE Group
Chris has been a member of the North West RAC for 18 years now. Chris has focused on promoting the profession, and the work of the RTPI, to wider audiences. This included editing the publications produced by the NW Region, presently the End of Year Reviews. Over 2002-2006, Chris completed a PhD looking at community engagement practices in Housing Market Renewal Programmes in the North West. Since then, Chris has worked as a consultant for Warrington-based BE Group. He specialises in providing Employment Land Study Evidence bases for Local Plans and property market assessments for masterplans. Outside of the office, Chris likes to explore the region in different ways, though fell walking and Geocaching.

Matthew Dugdale
Immediate Past Chair - Planning Director, Richborough

Matthew Dugdale
Immediate Past Chair - Planning Director, Richborough
Matt is a Planning Director at Richborough, promoting strategic commercial sites across the UK. With 18 years’ experience, he has a unique insight into the profession, having worked in the public sector (West Lancashire and St Helens) as well as for developers (The Emerson Group – Jones Homes/Orbit Developments) and consultancies (Indigo, WSP, Nexus). He graduated with a Distinction in the Master of Civic Design at the University of Liverpool in 2007 and became a Chartered Member of the RTPI in 2011. Matt joined the Regional Activities Committee in 2021 and was NW Chair in 2024. He has also joined the General Assembly for 2025/26.

Ian Gilbert
Regional Rep on General Assembly - Planning Director, Stantec

Ian Gilbert
Regional Rep on General Assembly - Planning Director, Stantec
Ian is a Planning Director at Stantec with 17 years-experience advising public and private clients across residential, commercial, retail, leisure and conservation based projects advising on development management, plan-making and EIA processes. Ian sat on the RMB as EDI Champion in 2022 & 23. He is passionate about adding social value and ensuring that planning is used as an effective tool to engage across all sectors of the industry and its stakeholders; including the community. Ian is a member of the Education and Careers Regional Activities Committee and has focused on promoting planning as a career in local schools as well as mentoring a number of Licentiates through the APC process.