Andrew Dorian and David Stovell were presented with Outstanding Services Awards.
The RTPI Outstanding Service Award is presented to RTPI members who have served and contributed substantially to the RTPI. This Award recognises excellence in service to the industry, which benefits RTPI members at large.
Andrew Dorian, Senior Transport Planner at Transport North East, became a student member of the RTPI in 2011 and became Chartered in 2013. He joined RTPI London around 2011 and quickly became a highly valued Hon Sec. during which time he organised and whipped the region into shape with spreadsheets and forms and keeping on top of the region so efficiently.
In 2014 he became Senior Vice Chair and assisted in organising the largest London Summit to date. Throughout all of the time that Andrew was with RTPI London he organised countless conferences, seminars and tours. He had a knack of finding the best speakers and putting together really interesting programmes. One of his most notable successes was when he took over as Chair in 2016, he (with the RMB) organised a highly attended and complex London Mayoral Hustings coordinating 8 London based institutes to create a series of London Mayoral Asks to put to the Mayoral candidates. The evening was well attended with over 300.
Throughout his year being London Chair, he based most of the larger events on the Mayoral Asks and his year ended with the London Summit which was attended by many Councillors and James Murray, the then Deputy Mayor for Housing. Again, the event was well attended and a huge success.
Andrew left London around 2017 and moved to the North East where he joined the RMB as Hon Sec/Treasurer and has served in these roles ever since. He is one of the main team players on the North East committee, organising the RMB/RAC Committee meetings/minutes and getting involved with a wide range of projects including the Policy Group as well as assisting locally and nationally with PAE. Andrew has been involved with PAE since 2012 and is also a member of the Nations and Regions Panel.
Andrew was one of the key volunteers assisting with the Planner Live North Conference for both 2021 and 2022, both events a huge success. Not only developing the programme and arranging speakers but also chairing the pre-meet session with a number of the groups. Andrew continues to support, encourage and organise many further webinars and offers excellent practical advice and support to the region.
David Stovell, Director of Stovell & Millwater Limited, has been a corporate member since 1978. Dave has for nearly 35 years actively served both the RTPI’s former Northern Branch and subsequently RTPI North East in several capacities, focusing particularly on CPD. His particular achievement has been the driving forward of the CPD agenda and he was praised by the then regional co-ordinator for his organisation skills and attention to detail, which are essential attributes for this role.
During most of his time on regional committees he has been a sole practitioner and yet still showed considerable interest in the region and its profession: he was often the only sole practitioner we had on a committee. He gave up a considerable amount of time to do this when work as a sole practitioner in the Teesside area was not abundant. His record shows a willingness to devote his considerable talent and energy to the region.
David was on the RAPC (Regional Activities and Policy committee) between 1990 to 2009 (when he became Junior Vice Chair) and 2013 to 2014. He chaired the RAPC in 2010 as Senor Regional Vice Chair. He first joined RMB (Regional Management Board) at the time of his appointment as Junior Regional vice chair of the Region in 2009. In 2011 he was Regional chair and in 2012 the Immediate Past Chair. In 2014 he re-joined the Board as the Region’s rep on the General Assembly.
He joined M&PR (Member and Public Relations Sub Committee) in 2011 and has continued up to the present. Over the years he has been one of the judges for the North East Planning Awards, which is organised by M&PR. This is a key event for the regional branch and essential for its profile.
In 2018 he was appointed as Vice Chair of the Nations and Regions Panel and a Trustee of the Institute.
To our knowledge this is the first time that any of the Region or Nations have had two members awarded Outstanding Service Awards at the same General Assembly and as a region we congratulate both Andrew and David on their well deserved Award, recognising the outstanding efforts for the Region over the years.