Our Regional Management Board (RMB) guides our regional activities through the preparation, monitoring and delivery of the Regional Business Plan. The RMB is advised and supported by members of the Regional Activities Committee.
Regional Management Board

Dominic Crowley
Associate Director at Lichfield (RTPI NE Regional Chair)

Dominic Crowley
Associate Director at Lichfield (RTPI NE Regional Chair)
Dominic joined Lichfields in 2016 and is an Associate Director in their Newcastle office. His experience includes development appraisals, the preparation and submission of planning applications, provision of strategic advice on major development sites, preparing planning appeals, drafting development representations and effectively engaging with local communities and key stakeholders. Dominic's experience has also included small to large scale mixed-use applications, bespoke heritage and design orientated projects, 5-year housing land supply analysis and SHLAA / HELAA reviews. Dominic is Regional Chair of the RTPI North East.

Alastair Welch

Alastair Welch
Alastair joined the Defra Marine Planning and Licensing team in October 2019 as a Senior Policy Adviser. He advocates for ambitious marine planning and licensing policy and inputs into cross-government commissions on planning reforms, working with ministers and a variety of stakeholders. He previously worked at Natural England (NE) in the marine planning team where he was responsible for responding as a statutory consultee to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects alongside development management, development plan and marine licencing casework along the coast. He also worked for the NE terrestrial planning team and for the planning team at the Environment Agency.
Alastair is a Chartered Member of the RTPI and is currently Vice Chair of the RTPI North East. Alastair previously served as Vice Chair of the Young Planners' Steering Group and on the Regional Activities and Policy Committee. He was North East Young Planner of the Year 2022.

Timothy David Crawshaw
Director of Planning and Placemaking for Surrey County Council

Timothy David Crawshaw
Director of Planning and Placemaking for Surrey County Council
Timothy David Crawshaw MIED MRTPI FRSA is a highly experienced built environment professional and advocate for planning as a key part of the solution to the challenges of our time. With over 20 years’ experience in a UK and international contexts Timothy is an expert in nature-based solutions, healthy placemaking, culture and economic development. An adjunct professor of planning and urban design at Newcastle University he is an acclaimed and inspiring public speaker and facilitator with a passion for great places and community involvement. Timothy is currently the Director of Planning and Placemaking for Surrey County Council, Chair of the Tees Valley Nature Partnership, and a former President of the RTPI and Immediate Past Chair of the RTPI NE.

Jan Bessell FRTPI
Vice President

Jan Bessell FRTPI
Vice President
Jan is a Strategic Planning Adviser at Pinsent Masons law firm and has significant experience of examining (former Examining Inspector at the Planning Inspectorate) and advising on a wide range of nationally significant infrastructure and major development projects across the full range of sectors including new settlements and urban extensions, energy, water and waste water, transport, business and commercial, ports and airports dealing with a wide range of issues from development consent orders, strategic plans, EIA, biodiversity, design, Water Framework Regulations, Habitats Regulations Assessment, community engagement and compulsory purchase. Jan has been recognised as one of ‘the most influential women in UK planning’. She is immediate past Board Chair of the National Infrastructure Planning Association and is a member of the Building with Nature Standards Board.
Jan is RTPI Vice President, a Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute (FRTPI) and currently sits as Vice Chair of the RTPI English Policy Committee, Vice Chair of the Nations and Regions Panel and is North East Regional Representative on General Assembly. She also continues to be engaged with Planning Aid.

Ifeanyi Chukwujekwu
EDI Champion

Ifeanyi Chukwujekwu
EDI Champion
Ifeanyi joined the Planning Inspectorate in 2019 as an Appeals Planning Officer and is currently on secondment to the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities as a Senior Planning Technical Officer. Prior to this, he worked with the Marine Management Organisation and Defra. His experience includes Marine Planning and Marine Licensing, Environmental Project Management, Planning Appeals, Habitats Regulation and Environmental Impact Assessment. Prior to his time in UK he also worked in Nigeria and experience includes Urban Design, Development Control and Higher Education (teaching Town Planning Courses).