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RTPI London Planning Authority of the Year

Planning Authority of the Year

City of London

The City’s small Planning team were disproportionally pivotal in delivering the challenging floorspace growth required to maintain the City of London’s position as the world’s business centre, the engine of London’s and the UK’s economy, through exceptionally challenging economic times. The Planning team delivered an unprecedented million sqm of floorspace in 2021 including 6 new towers, all with substantial wider, inclusive public benefits. These schemes and ground-breaking initiatives are transforming the City as a 7-day destination, culturally resurgent, providing a resilient economic base to flourish as an inclusive, gentler, welcoming City for all communities, crucially, benefitting all in the UK

Judges‘ comment: "It is evident  that this Planning Service is doing excellent work to identify challenges in a city environment and develop tools to identify and address these, the outcomes were not clear or how they deliver quality outcomes. The EDI work was impressive although inclusive design was omitted largely and there was no mention of the RTPI or other professional bodies in the response on staff development. Whilst the City can be seen as having an advantage over other LPAs given their unique status, they make the most of this position and display excellence in an increasingly wider range of areas."