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01 October 2024 at 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Crowne Plaza, Caversham Bridge, Richfield Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom, RG1 8BD
Price from
RTPI South East | [email protected]

In this session, delegates will learn about the impact new technologies have had on planning processes and the way planners can take further advantage of these, in particular when it comes to community engagement and consultation and the impacts new technologies have on the planning system. The second part of the session will involve a practical element where delegates will have a chance to interact with these technologies.

In this session experts will:

  • Present new technologies and their application in planning (ChatGPT, online consultation, AI in validating planning applications);
  • Discuss how technological changes have led to the digitalisation of planning and the way this has changed the way planners (and the planning system) work for both plan-making and decision-taking and;
  • Provide an insight on new ways of engaging with local communities.

Through a combination of expert speakers, discussion and practical engagement delegates will learn:

  • Different types of technologies being used in planning;
  • Challenges and benefits of applying new technologies in plan making and decision taking;
  • How to harness new technologies to better engage with local communities and other stakeholders.

Speakers include:

  • Chair: Joney Ramirez, RPS
  • Keynote speaker: Dr Wei Yang,Digital Task Force for Planning
  • Harry Quartermain, LandTech
  • Phil Rumens, West Berkshire Council
  • Nissa Shahid, Arup 
  • Matthew Snape, RPS
  • and more