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Early Career Researcher Award Finalist

Green Belts, Geography and Governance: Towards a Spatial ‘Solution’ for a 21st Century Green Belt?

Mr Charles Goode

(University of Birmingham, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences)


Research Description

This paper focuses on Green Belts in regional England, with a case study of the West Midlands, and aims to theorise the Green Belt both as an (increasingly) politicised governance issue, particularly in the absence of statutory regional planning since 2010, but also a regionalising, coordinating concept among campaigners and planners. It, therefore, aims to conceptualise feasible alternative (sub)regional governance arrangements and advocates the creation of a Green Belt ‘Council’, made up of politicians and experts, to make long-term decisions on Green Belts to give campaigners more confidence and developers more certainty.

Charles makes the following dedication:

'I would like to dedicate this shortlisting to my Mum who died of cancer aged 57 last November (2019). Although Mum was not a planner and did not go to college/university, she was very interested in and supportive of my work and a devoted Christian woman who was incredibly brave and peaceful in fighting cancer. I owe a huge amount to her.'


Full Entry Title

Goode, C. E. (2019) ‘Green Belts, Geography and Governance: Towards a Spatial “Solution” for a 21st Century Green Belt?’, European Council of Spatial Planners (ECSP), pp. 31–56, (accessed 15/05/2020)