The aim of this review is to ensure that strategic planning policy on renewable and low carbon energy development remains fit for purpose and up to date to inform decision-making in relation to development proposals for this subject area. It is also intended to inform the Local Development Plan (LDP) process and enable plan-makers to bring forward appropriate local policy approaches, all within the framework of regional strategic planning policy and the wider contemporary context for energy and climate change. This includes Northern Ireland’s Energy Strategy, published on 16 December 2021 (which references this review) and the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 which received royal assent on 6 June 2022. The Energy Strategy established a renewable electricity consumption target of 70% by 2030 that was then increased to 80% by 2030 by the Climate Change (Northern Ireland) Act 2022.
The full consultation documents can be found here Revised Regional Strategic Planning Policy - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy - NI Direct - Citizen Space
Read our consultation response here