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RTPI Scotland's Response to Cycling Framework for Active Transport Consultation

  1. Do you agree with the above statement of strategic priorities for driving the development of cycling for transport in Scotland?



Please comment below

Reference to the Place Principle would strengthen the section relating to ‘Delivering liveable, more pleasant communities’


  1. The diagram above sets out how the Cycling Framework is aligned to the wider policy context. Do you agree that this captures the key policy linkages and/or should any policy areas be added or removed?



Please comment below

RTPI Scotland support the inclusion of reference to NPF4 but would wish to re-emphasise the need to update Designing Streets as a matter of priority to be more encouraging of the need to design for active travel in new developments.


  1. Six strategic themes have been identified based on stakeholder feedback, as above. These themes illustrate the overarching approach for cycling for transport in Scotland. Do you agree with these strategic themes as priority areas for action in this framework?



Please comment below:

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the substance of the delivery plan actions in this section?

RTPI Scotland broadly welcomes the approach as set out. In terms of the action relating to developing a national approach, specific reference to the National Development in NPF4 of an active travel network would strengthen this action. In terms of the action relating to developing national guidance the inclusion of the need to update Designing Streets would be welcomed and the stakeholders for this to be broadened to include Scottish Government’s Planning Architecture and Regeneration Division and planning authorities. RTPI Scotland are concerned that this is set as a long term action, with the need for updated guidance being of particular importance to decision makers.


  1. Do you have any comments on the agencies identified to lead and support these actions?

The inclusion of local authorities should be relevant to most of the actions set out, especially planning departments.


  1. Do you have any other comments on this section of the delivery plan?

The delivery plan should be more explicit about how funding streams are considered as has been done with the Revised Draft NPF4 Delivery Programme.


  1. Do you have any comments on the substance of the delivery plan actions in this section?

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the agencies identified to lead and support these actions?

As set out in Q5 RTPI Scotland would wish to see the broader inclusion of local authorities in the actions set out.


  1. Do you have any other comments on this section of the delivery plan?

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the substance of the delivery plan actions in this section?

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the agencies identified to lead and support these actions?

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any other comments on this section of the delivery plan?

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the substance of the delivery plan actions in this section?

No comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the agencies identified to lead and support these actions?

No comment.


  1. Do you have any other comments on this section of the delivery plan?

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the substance of the delivery plan actions in this section?

The opportunity to include communities in the preparation of Local Development Plans and Local Place Plans is a key opportunity to allow communities to feed into the preparation of Active Travel Plans and should be included in this section.


  1. Do you have any comments on the agencies identified to lead and support these actions?

The role of local authorities needs to be more fully considered in a number of the actions set out in this section.


  1. Do you have any other comments on this section of the delivery plan?

No further comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the substance of the delivery plan actions in this section?

This section could be strengthened with reference to Scottish Government’s Digital Planning Strategy.


  1. Do you have any comments on the agencies identified to lead and support the actions in this section?

The role of local authorities needs to be more fully considered in the first action in this section.


  1. Do you have any other comments on this section of the delivery plan?

No further comment.


  1. For large infrastructure projects, conditions of funding should be delivery on agreed targets for: timescales, expenditure and meeting project objectives.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree or Disagree


Strongly Disagree


No comment.


  1. In order to ensure maximum value for money and impact, active travel funding in the short term should be prioritised for those local authorities with the greatest capacity to deliver, with capacity building support offered to those with the least.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree or Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Such a proposal might exacerbate existing inequalities in terms of access to safe cycling infrastructure and should be understood from the lens of inclusive growth and the need to reduce health inequalities.


  1. Future funding for active travel infrastructure should include a mechanism for re-distributing investment from local authorities unable to deliver to agreed standards and timescales.


Strongly Agree


Neither Agree or Disagree


Strongly Disagree


No comment.


  1. Do you have any comments on the draft Social and Equalities Impact Assessment?

No comment.

  1. Do you have any comments on the draft Business Regulatory Impact Assessment?

No comment.

  1. Do you have any comments on the draft Island Communities Impact Assessment?

No comment.


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