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Mark Hand: Attending my first ever MIPIM

Mark Hand is Director of Wales, Northern Ireland, and Planning Aid England at the RTPI


I was excited and honoured to attend my first ever MIPIM this month, accompanying Dr Victoria Hills, RTPI Chief Executive.

Established in 1990, MIPIM (le marché international des professionnels de l'immobilier) is an annual four-day property and real estate event held in Cannes, France. It attracts over 20,000 delegates from more than 90 countries and from every part of the development industry: investors, developers, architects, consultants, lawyers…and, or course, planners.

Mindful of our carbon footprint, we travelled by train. This provided some productive downtime to clear emails and finalise our packed agenda, in between networking with people we bumped into on the train.

Upon arrival, my mind was blown by the scale of it. Thankfully, being her 10th MIPIM, Victoria was able to give me a guided tour of the key locations to help orientate me. Our time was split between attending or speaking at events and pre-arranged meetings; hosting or attending networking brunches or dinners; visiting exhibitor stands; and ad hoc networking with both existing and new contacts discussing all things planning, development and RTPI.  Among other things, the delegate list provided a valuable opportunity to promote our work on the BCC Planning Skills Fund and the need to invest in the planners of the future.

Hot topics

Coinciding with the publication of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill, the event was buzzing with conversations about the role of planners and the planning system in securing investment and delivering homes and jobs and ensuring quality placemaking.

At a panel event discussing Planning Change, Driving Growth, Victoria told attendees that if greater responsibility of decision-making passes to officers, those officers must be professionally competent and Councils must have a statutory Chief Planning Officer at the top table.

RTPI Chief Executive Dr Victoria Hills with Mark at the conference

Victoria was a panellist at the Planning Change, Driving Growth event

A recurring theme of discussions throughout the week was that success for investors, developers and planners is the same: creating connected, liveable, adaptable and green places. Investors need high quality and well-located development to attract occupiers. However, there is often a communication gap between investors and planners regarding what each party needs. This can hinder us in achieving outcomes. Investors need certainty, consistency and collaboration: a key role here for planners. The planning system needs to be agile and to mobilise quickly. This links perfectly to core RTPI campaigns for strategic planning and properly resourced Local Planning Authorities.

The value of MIPIM

We had the privilege to be invited to a roundtable discussion with a leading developer and the Leader and Deputy Leader of a Council to discuss ways of realising their ambition to bring forward some tricky development sites. I was particularly inspired by ideas tabled for genuine, data-driven community engagement and social value: topics for a future conference!

This meeting perfectly illustrated to me the value of MIPIM: collaborative meetings organically happen, bringing together top tier stakeholders based on a brief chat in a way that just doesn't happen when at home immersed in the day job. All because everyone present has deliberately taken time out of the day-to-day to talk. With purpose and openness. 

The exhibition stands ranged from city regions showcasing their ambition to attract investment, to built environment professions, to stands showcasing technology such as the interactive London map, to countries around the world displaying futuristic ideas, one of which reminded me of Avatar.

As well as exploring other nations and city regions, I also spent time visiting the Belfast City and Region Place Partnership and Cardiff Capital Region, where I was able to strike up conversations with Belfast City Council’s Chief Executive and the Leaders of Newport City Council and Torfaen County Borough Council about the planning systems and status of planners in Northern Ireland and Wales. Conversations that would not have happened anywhere else.

The exhibition stands highlighted ambitious designs

This futuristic concept caught Mark's eye

My overall highlight

The highlight of my week was a meeting with Anacláudia Rossbach, UN Habitat Executive Director, who generously gave Victoria and me an hour of her time to discuss our shared priorities. The meeting was an opportunity to re-affirm the two organisations’ long-standing partnership and the Institute's commitment to supporting sustainable development and climate action globally. The challenges that many places face may be local, but they have global impacts. Planning is essential to help build fairer, prosperous and resilient cities and communities.

Mark and Victoria meeting Anacláudia Rossbach

Mark attended the Women in Real Estate brunch

I was delighted to attend the Women in Real Estate brunch co-hosted by the RTPI, BusinessLDN, Landmark Chambers and Town Legal LLP. Thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome. I must admit I was slightly worried I would be encroaching, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I had some great conversations with our guests about how male allies can best support our female peers and was reassured that our attendance at these events is welcomed.

Is it a little bit bonkers going all the way to Cannes? On paper, yes. But for those still wondering why people go to MIPIM: imagine all the main investors, developers, built environment professionals and leaders from around the world clearing their diaries for a week and all being in one place at the same time with the sole purpose of talking to each other face-to-face to connect opportunities with solutions. I have met and had discussions with people I wouldn't have had access to back home, met new people via others, and had some fantastic discussions about all things planning with planners (members and prospective members) and other developer partners and stakeholders. And I met people from sectors I wouldn't otherwise normally speak to and learnt lots.

My three key takeaways:

  1. Sustainably located homes are central to resolving poverty and recovery from conflicts or emergencies. Planners are at the heart of this;

  2. There's a gap in understanding between what investors need and what planners and/or communities want that needs to be filled via good old communication. Planners are central to this, but we might sometimes benefit from investment liaison managers to bridge that gap;

  3. Despite it being 2025, we're still a way off gender equity in the built environment. Top tips for fellow male allies: speak up if you see prejudice and turn up to events that support women in the built environment. (Of course, other aspects of diversity are important too, not all of which are visible).

Would I go again? Absolutely.

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