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Helen Fadipe: General Assembly debates are translating into action

Helen Fadipe MBE is RTPI President 2025. She is also Managing Director of planning consultancy firm FPP Associates Ltd and is the founder and Chair of the BAME Planners Network


Helen chairing GAOne of the key responsibilities of the presidential position is to chair the Institute’s General Assembly (GA), a privilege that allows me to guide the discussions, topics and debates for this esteemed body of professional planning leaders.

I chaired my first General Assembly in sunny Birmingham on Wednesday 19 March and I am happy to report that GA members remain committed and focused on discussing the key issues that are impacting our profession.

The CEO, Victoria Hills provided her usual update, and the key focus was on  the Government’s rolling planning reform agenda. RTPI policy and public affairs staff are now actively engaged with the Planning and Infrastructure Bill and you can find RTPI’s positions on the planning reform 2025 Hub

The Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Elle Cass, highlighted the excellent set of communications metrics that the board considered at their latest meetings. She was particularly pleased with the Institute’s growing presence and impact across national media. If you would like to see where the RTPI has been featured in the media, check the media listing at the bottom of your monthly bulletin. You can also follow the Institute’s social media accounts, particularly LinkedIn, which are filled with updates on all the activities the RTPI undertakes on behalf of members.

The strategic focus which the RTPI has on raising the profile of the profession and the excellent work being done in that space aligns neatly with my ambition to have a full public awareness campaign that promotes a fresh, optimistic narrative about the profession. The initiative will hopefully be ready to launch on World Town Planning Day.

GA members also have opportunities to receive updates from Membership, Young Planners, Nations and Regions.

The main topic of debate at this GA was the RTPI’s upcoming research paper on spatial approaches to local energy planning. This is a critical issue, as public concerns about energy infrastructure, particularly pylons  are increasing across the country. Understanding and addressing these concerns present a great opportunity to showcase the positive influence planning can have in shaping energy solutions.

Dr Ada Lee, RTPI and Dr Rebecca Windermer, Regen,  presented the early findings of the research, emphasising that while approvals for energy projects happens at different levels, their delivery is inherently spatial and impacts local communities. As such the researchers are of the opinion that planners working at a local level would appreciate guidance on this matter. Given that 45% of local planning authorities report a skills gap in energy infrastructure planning, this research will be invaluable. One of the key outputs of this project will be a suite of resources and guidance for both spatial and energy planners designed to close this gap.

Interestingly, some of the feedback received from the group discussions shows a lack of awareness of the subject matter amongst planners and a lack of collaboration and co-ordination between land use and energy planning. There was a call for the Institute to lead the way by raising awareness amongst the planning profession and providing relevant training.

As your President, I will continue to update you on General Assembly discussions and how they translate into action within the RTPI and across our membership. It is an exciting time  to be a planner and a privilege to lead these important conversations at the General Assembly.

If you would like to get involved, I encourage you to stand for election in the upcoming membership elections and play an active role in shaping the future of our profession.


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