The membership team look at why it is beneficial to be a Chartered planner
We reached out to three recently elected members to understand why they wanted to become Chartered and whether they would recommend going through the Assessment for Professional Competence (APC) process.
The reason why planners value Chartered status is that it shows employers and clients that they meet high professional standards and have the required industry experience.
2021 commended candidates Michelle Burns, Joe Hobbs and Mykena Mortimer-Davies gave us their thoughts on why becoming chartered was important to them.
Joe, a planner working in the public sector said, “Gaining Chartered membership was a key moment for me in my career, as it is an internationally recognised assessment of your competencies as a planner. It demonstrates that you have professional capability and have already gained important experience in your career.”
Michelle, a private sector planner who completed the EP-APC process added, “It acknowledges the quality and competence of planners regardless of educational pathway. Gaining my Chartered status tells employers and clients that I abide by and maintain high professional standards and ethics.”
Mykena a planner working in the private sector, spoke about the networking opportunities that being Chartered has given her.
“Not only does it provide career benefits in the increased ability to network, but there is also a personal sense of achievement.”
Other RTPI members have also told us they really value the opportunity to use their designatory letters (MRTPI) to display their Chartered status as well as use our logo on their email signature and personal website.
When we asked if they would recommend other planners become Chartered, it was a resounding yes but for different reasons.
Michelle reflected on how working towards her Chartered membership was a good way of “developing a well-rounded skillset” by gaining work experience to meet the requirements of the competencies within the Professional Competence Statement (PCS).
Joe emphasised the prestigiousness, adding “It is THE recognised qualification as a planner. Gaining Chartered membership shows employers that you take your profession seriously and that you are prepared to put in the time and effort to further your development.”
There are a range of benefits for our members, regardless of what class of membership you have. These include invaluable networking opportunities and discounted events, keeping up to date with the monthly Planner magazine and member bulletins as well as careers and consultancy advice. There are also extra personal and professional perks with RTPI Plus and new for this year, members can access a 20% discount on all Routledge books including the RTPI Library Series.
Find out more
If you want to find out more about the APC process and hear from those who have done it, book onto our free webinars:
21 April: Experienced Practitioner Assessment of Professional Competence (EP-APC) - This route is for those who have a minimum of 5-10 years of professional planning experience.
25 April: Assessment of Professional Competence - run by RTPI West Midlands
11 May: APC webinar on Professional Degree Statement (PDS) and Matrix
18 May: All routes to APC - in person event, Manchester
If you have any further questions, email [email protected] or call 020 7929 9462.