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BCC Planning Scholarship

The RTPI has designed a UK-wide scheme with the British Chambers of Commerce

We are proud to broker, on behalf of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Planning Skills Fund, a Planning Scholarship.

The programme will pay the tuition fees for a home student enrolled full-time on selected 'fast-track' Planning Masters.  Mentoring and work experience opportunities will also be part of the package. In return, at the end of their course of study, each recipient would be expected to work in a council planning role for at least two years.

Contact the universities directly to find out more about how you can apply and what the criteria are in each instance.

Together, the BCC and the RTPI wish to make a difference – providing opportunities for individuals who may not have been able to afford to consider studying for a career in planning and, at the same time, boosting planning services.

This new full-fee scholarship is a real game-changer and it has great potential.  Andrew Close MRTPI

The first cohort of BCC scholarship 'trainee planners' - from a diverse range of backgrounds - will commence their studies in September 2025 and will be available to work in local authorities by the Autumn of 2026.

The scholarship is available at the following RTPI-accredited planning programmes:

MSc Town Planning - Anglia Ruskin (Chelmsford)

MSc Urban and Regional Planning - Birmingham

MSc Town Planning - Brighton

MSc Spatial Planning and Development - Cardiff

MSc Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design - Dundee

MSc City Planning - Glasgow

MSc Spatial Planning and Real Estate Development - Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh)

MSc Sustainable Planning - Hertfordshire (Hatfield)

MA Town and Regional Planning - Leeds Beckett

Master of Civic Design (Town and Regional Planning) - Liverpool

MA Town and Country Planning - London South Bank

MSc Planning - Manchester

MSc Urban Planning - Newcastle

MSc Spatial Planning - Oxford Brookes

MSc Planning - Plymouth

MSc Planning and Development - Queens Belfast

MSc in Spatial Planning and Development - Reading

MSc Urban and Regional Planning - Sheffield

MSc Urban Regeneration - University College London

MSc Planning and City Resilience - Ulster (Belfast)

MSc Urban Planning - University of the West of England (Bristol)

MA Urban and Regional Planning - Westminster (London)